Evaluating the Impacts of Retrofitting
This subservice specializes in Pre-Post Retrofit Analysis, evaluating the impact of building upgrades. Tailored for manufacturers, developers, and building owners, it employs advanced sensors and analytics to assess retrofit effectiveness. Recognizing the potential discrepancies in comfort, safety, and energy performance, this subservice offers a strategic monitoring and evaluation approach tailored for building undergoing retrofit works.
Process description of the service:
It operates by providing a specialized subservice for evaluating performance before and after interventions or changes in the building system, providing insights into the effectiveness of modifications. The subservice emphasizes the importance of user engagement, ensuring their consent for monitoring activities, whether through installation of monitoring equipment or surveys. Baseline data collection, focusing on IEQ monitoring, façade performance study, occupant questionnaires, and other relevant parameters, sets the foundation for meaningful pre-post comparisons.
Main objective:
The main objective of this specialized subservice is to facilitate a robust pre-post retrofit analysis, by guiding the manufacturers, developers, and building owners to assess the impact of building upgrades. It aims to illuminate the transformative impact of retrofits, providing expert evaluations and standardized reporting towards enhanced performance and sustainability.