Living Laboratories
The project titled Measuring Envelope products and systems contributing to next generation of healthy nearly Zero Energy buildings (MEZeroE) is an EU distributed open innovation ecosystem for:
developing nearly zero energy building (nZEB) envelope solutions;
transferring knowledge;
matching testing needs with existing facilities;
providing monitoring in living labs (LL);
standardizing cutting-edge solutions coming from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and large industry.
Within the MEZeroE project innovative nZEB envelope products are being installed in real buildings in order to acquire feedback from its users as well as performing monitoring of selected parameters.
Living Laboratories Testing Site is a physical realisation of the Living Lab concept, intended to evaluate nZEB envelope products – user interaction in real conditions as well as performing monitoring of selected parameters. Practically this is a building equipped with sensors to monitor indoor environmental quality, whereas the users will be the extension of this measurement by providing their feedback regarding the installed products and living environment. It provides a real environment for these new, advanced and highly performing nZEB technologies to be tested.
A Live Data Dashboard will be available soon
Here is a preview of the partners who will collaborate: