Evalutaing the Insulating Power of Building Envelope Elements
This subservice within OIS2 specializes in the Façade Performance Evaluation, dedicated to ensuring the harmony of aesthetics and functionality in building envelopes. By monitoring key parameters, it evaluates the efficiency of building envelope products in facade design that directly impact energy efficiency, comfort, compliance with sustainability regulations, durability, and cost savings.
Process description of the service:
It operates by utilizing advanced precision sensors to measure crucial parameters like heat flux, surface temperature, and ambient temperature, essential for assessing the thermal transmittance, providing a comprehensive understanding of a building's insulation performance. The process involves staying aligned with international building standards, incorporating advanced hardware and analysis, and evaluating the performance of the building envelope components.
Main objective:
The main objective of this specialized subservice within OIS2 is to emphasize the significance of thermal transmittance. It aims to unlock the insulation potential of building envelope products, guiding architectural decisions towards enhanced energy efficiency and sustainability. It is committed to transforming structures into beacons of efficiency and comfort through a thorough study of U-values.