Window Thermal Measure


This test concerns: Windows and glass surfaces
Construction segment: Coatings and Finishes
Test category: Thermal

PM&VL6 offers a comprehensive characterization of building envelope components, thanks to its two infrastructures: the Materials & Structures Laboratory (M&S Lab, mechanical characterization) and the BEEpilot (thermal, hygrothermal, air quality and airtightness performances).




Scientific partner
Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI)
Industrial Partner

Main author:
Graziano Salvalai
Marta Maria Sesana
Diletta Brutti
Politecnico di Milano


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Buildings are the biggest energy end-use sector, with heating and cooling as key factors contributing to such trend, thus representing commonly poorly performing envelopes. This could be generally predicted and prevented during the design-phase, but on-site measurements have shown wide gaps in the actual operative performance of buildings. The real-life performance assessment is thus a powerful way to evaluate and potentially prevent such gaps. In that context, the activity aimed to accurately assess the performance and behavior of the TECNAN product in real-life conditions.

Design of Experiments

The product was applied on the exterior glass surface of one of the two roof windows (facing SW), according to instructions provided by the manufacturer. The assessment was based on the simultaneous monitoring and comparison of glass surfaces with and without protective coating.

The monitoring started in spring 2023 and was conducted for 5 months under real-life outdoor conditions. The product was applied in the office portion of the BEEpilot, in Lecco (IT), and was hence subject to real-life indoor conditions as well (split system operated according to user comfort).



April 2023
During daylight hours, the coating reduces heat flows compared to a standard roof window with no coating. The product has a positive effect in lowering the temperatures recorded on the inner surface of the roof window.

21st-25th April 2023
Comparison between Window A (with coating, yellow) and Window B (without coating, blue).

26th April 2023
Comparison between Window A (with coating, yellow) and Window B (without coating, blue).

July 2023
During daylight hours, the product remarkably reduces heat flows if compared to the roof window with no coating applied. This happens, at different degrees, both on days with clear sky as well as on cloudy and/ or rainy days.

29th-30th July 2023
Comparison between Window A (with coating, yellow) and Window B (without coating, blue).

30th July 2023
Comparison between Window A (with coating, yellow) and Window B (without coating, blue).



The thermal monitoring has allowed to understand the real-life coating behavior and contribution in terms of effectively blocking the transmission of infrared solar radiation through the glazing surface. This performance has, in particular, shown higher contributions during daylight hours in summer, thus ensuring higher thermal comfort levels indoor.



Coatings and Finishes




30 July, 2023