We can help you reach new potential clients

We help redefine the building industry, bringing profound changes to its marketplace and establishing an ecosystem in which the design and construction are an integral part of the landscape.

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We can help you promote your test and services

This ecosystem provides turn-key startup and upscaling services for modelling, testing, and monitoring near zero energy buildings enabler envelope technology.

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You will be part of a fertile ecosystem

MEZeroE’s is a fertile ecosystem in the shape of a multi-sided virtual platform, open to innovate
and encourage ‘cross-fertilization’ among stakeholders in the construction industry

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Why Choose Us

Three simple steps to reach potential clients


Sign Up and access your Private Area

Perform the sign up procedure choosing your service provider profile. After the sign up access to your Private Area and start your journey through MEZeroE!


Promote your services and tests

Access to your service dedicated section in your Private Area. Add a catchy title, description and photos of your services or tests. Promote at your best publishing news and events!


Receive requests from potential clients

Potential clients can find your service or test via the advanced search feature. Access to your Request section and interact with your new potential clients.

Ready to sign up for free? Just choose your profile!