Support methods for digitalization of the construction products

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A digital outcome from product characterization

The customer will be aware of the digital outcomes that can result from characterization, testing, certification and LCA/LCC assessment of their products. Experts will explain what is the present digital ecosystem, the different digital expressions of a construction product and the supporting methods for the digital transition.

Process description of the service:

It helps supporting IND partners to product digitalization. The process consists in three steps; the first one helps to analyze the digital ecosystem of construction products, which consists in the physical construction and in the digital twin/information model developed in a collaborative environment; the second one shows a lot of different expressions and examples for the digital transition of the customer’s product; the third one complete the technical service with the effective creation of the digital output of the product.

Main objective:

Potential topics for this service are related to BIM, smart CE-marking or digital databases of construction products.

TRL: From 4 to 8