A path toward a BIM common digitalized language
This service evaluates the Building Information Modeling (BIM) Readiness Level of your company and identifies a possible roadmap to increase it according to the available benchmarking of EU construction companies in your sector.
This service will provide users and clients to collect digitalized information about their envelope or products, and to propose a personal roadmap with guidelines, references and examples toward BIM object development. This process especially evaluates the BIM-readiness level of the envelope/product, providing guidelines and information on how to create a BIM object of the envelope/product in terms of digitalization of data and information according to a common standard dataset.
Process description of the service:
The two different paths for the BIM package configurator are as follows: the first one it’s composed by a checkup and forms survey to understand the BIM readiness level, supported by a team of BIM expert; the second one it’s a standardized BIM dataset for nZEB Enabler Envelope Solutions. In this second path, it’s important to understand which scenarios suits best with your product, then you can choose the product’s construction segment, which will bring to a BIM dataset. This dataset is composed by a series of parameters and information that will help you for a BIM package configuration.
Main objective:
The main goal of this service is to improve industries BIM readiness level and supporting SMEs and Industries in this path. Each stakeholder will be supported in this process through two different paths: a preliminary check-up of the product’s BIM readiness level, or a standardized BIM dataset for nEESs provided through dedicated scenarios and construction segments. The main topic of this service is to support SMEs and Industries through a new configurator path in BIM digitalization.